
增長黑客Tip6 : 制作有吸引力的標題

? ? ? 當涉及到網站的時候標題是非常重要的,有人甚至可能會認為比你的主頁上的其余部分更重要。為什么喃?因為你的標題往往是人們在你的主頁上注意到的第一件事情,這是為你創造了另一個“第一印象”的機會。在很多情況下,它只需要平均約15秒或更少的時間來決定人們是否留在你的網站或繼續搜索其他地方。制作正確的標題可以幫助你讓訪問者停留在你的頁面上,這樣你就有足夠長的時間來說服他們,你有他們一直在尋找的解決方案。如果你想開始測試不同的標題如何執行,那就需要提供一個特定的承諾。

? ? ?舉例說明(Example of Use):

? ? ?下面是一些“制作有吸引力的標題”推出的例子(Here are a few real-world examples of the Promise, Not Features Headline):

? ? ? 如何實現這個新的方法(How to Implement This Tip):

? ? ? 步驟1:寫一個在你的網站上使用的25個潛在的標題列表。盡量避免寫的標題是用來描述你的業務的。恰恰相反的是,去寫那些描述你的客戶由于使用你的產品或服務而得到的結果。你的標題應該控制在5個到9個之間的詞。

? ? ? 步驟2:選擇你認為最好的2-3個標題,并進行一些初步的研究,來確定哪一個點擊率最高。這就可以通過使用一個像Optimizely的工具。對于一個不太昂貴的測試,你創建兩個都到同一個網站的鏈接,但為每個鏈接使用的標題都不同。然后跟蹤這些標題看他們哪一個得到的點擊率最高。

? ? ? 步驟3:最后將標題添加到你的主頁。及時更新新的標題。

? ? ?


? ? ?原文引用:

? ?Headlines are extremely important when it comes to websites—some might say even more important than the the rest of the copy you put on your homepage. Why? Because your headline is often the first thing people notice when they land on your homepage—it’s another “first impression” opportunity. In a lot of cases, it only takes the average person about 15 seconds or less to decide whether or not to stay on your website or continue their search elsewhere. Crafting the right headline can help you keep visitors on your page longer—long enough to convince them that you have the solution they’ve been looking for. If you want to start testing how different headlines perform, write one that offers a specific promise.

? ?How To Implement This Tip:

? ?Step 1: Write a list of 25 potential headlines to use on your site. Try to avoid writing headlines that describe what your business is. Instead, write ones that describe what your customers get as a result of using your products or services. Your headlines should be between 5-9 words.

? ?Step 2: Pick your best 2-3 headlines and perform some preliminary research to determine which one performs best. This can be done by using a tool like Optimizely. For a a less expensive test, create two tweets that both go to the same site but use a different headline for each. Track which one gets the best click-through-rate.

? ?Step 3: Add the winning headline to your homepage. Perform new headlines tests from time to time.


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