
增長黑客Tip7 : 網頁A / B測試

? ? ? 當你在啟動你的業務的早期階段,你想嘗試花盡可能少的時間來使你的操作運行。這就是為什么我們經常看到的新的商家犯的錯誤思考,因為一旦他們的商業網站的第一個版本最終上線并運行,它就不會被再次改變。但如果你的生意是一個很大程度上依賴于網上消費者的業務,你就不能以這個方式來忽視你的網站。你很有必要花時間來了解訪問你的網站的人并找出最終影響他們決定轉換或不轉換的訪問原因是什么。值得慶幸的是,那里有很多廉價的工具可以輕而易舉的在你的網站上做一個A / B測試 。

? ? ?舉例說明(Example of Use):

? ? ?下面是一些網頁A / B測試推出的例子(Here are a few real-world examples of The Lean Homepage A/B Test):

? ? ? 如何實現這個新的方法(How to Implement This Tip):

? ? ? 步驟1:選擇你的主頁的兩個區域來進行A / B測試。例子包括你的標題、位置、顏色、或者是你的CTA按鈕,以及在你的導航菜單中的菜單項,和整個網頁的登錄頁面本身。

? ? ? 步驟2: 使用下面列出的推薦工具之一來為您希望測試的網站的每個區域建立單獨的實驗。每個工具都提供了一個有用的資源,當設置您的測試時,您可以進行參考。

? ? ? 步驟3: 運行你的實驗。讓它運行時間不少于一個星期,審查你得到的結果,然后相應地更改您的網站。

? ? ?


(Recommended Tools)


? ? ?原文引用:

? ?When you’re in the early stages of launching your business, you want to try to spend as little as possible to get your operation up and running. That’s why it’s fairly common for new business owners to make the mistake of thinking that once the first version of their business website is finally complete and up and running, it never has to be touched again. But if your business is one that heavily relies on business from online consumers, you can’t afford to neglect your website in this way. It’s essential that you take time to learn about the people who visit your website in an effort to find out what it is that ultimately influences their decision to convert or not convert. Thankfully, there are a lot of inexpensive tools out there that make performing A/B tests on your website a breeze.

? ?How?To Implement This Tip:

? ?Step 1: Pick two areas of your homepage that you could A/B tests on. Examples include your headline copy, the placement, color, or language of your main CTA button, the items in your navigation menu, or the entire homepage landing page itself.

? ?Step 2: Use one of the recommended tools listed below to build individual experiments for each of the areas of your website you wish to test. Each tool provides helpful resources that you can refer to when setting up your test.

? ?Step 3: Push your experiment live. Let it run for no less than a week, review the results you get, then make changes to your site accordingly.


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