
增長黑客Tip10 : 制作有吸引力的登錄頁面

? ? ?有時人們并不需要你提供的所有的功能,有時一個充滿照片和設計組件以及平滑的視差功能的花哨網站也并不能讓人們決定他們是否想從你那兒購買產品。有時他們想要的是一個更簡單的體驗。當你在網上向人們出售你的產品時,你真正需要做的是找到一個正確的點。這就是為什么在你的主頁上運行一個A/B測試是值得你去花時間的,你可以發現你的客戶不需要你去轉換你認為他們需要看到的東西。如果你沒有看到你預期想達到的訪問量,那就嘗試去簡化你的網站吧,去找到這個正確的點。

? ? ?舉例說明(Example of Use):

? ? ?下面是一些有吸引力的登錄頁面推出的例子(Here are a few real-world examples of The “Get Right To The Point” Landing Page ):

? ? ? 如何實現這個新的方法(How to Implement This Tip):

? ? ? 步驟1:創建以下推薦工具之一的賬戶,并花時間學習如何使用這個工具工作。

? ? ? 步驟2:決定你希望的你網站的登錄頁面是什么樣的,決定你最想要人們在登錄你的網站的時候做些什么。你是想讓他們給你他們的電子郵件地址嗎?還是注冊一個免費的賬戶?還是嘗試演示一下?你的答案將幫助你決定你網站的新的登錄頁面的焦點是什么。

? ? ? 步驟3:使用下面的推薦工具之一,創建你的網頁,同時跟蹤這個版本的網頁和你的之前的網頁。根據研究結果,決定繼續跟進哪個版本。

? ? ?原文引用:

? ?Sometimes people don’t need to be sold on all the features you offer. Sometimes people don’t need to land on a fancy website full of photos and design components and smooth parallax functionality to decide if they want to buy from you. Sometimes they want a more simple experience. Sometimes when you’re selling to people online,all you really need to do is get right to the point. That’s why running A/B tests on your homepage on other landing pages is worth your time—you could find out that your customers don’t need to see all the junk you think they need to see in order to convert. In fact, sometimes all that junk just makes for a lower conversion rate. If you haven’t been seeing the conversion numbers you expected, try simplifying your website and get right to the point.

? ?How To Implement This Tip:

? ?Step 1: Create an account for one of the recommended tools below and spend time learning how the tool works.

? ?Step 2: Decide how to want the simple version of your landing page to look. Decide what you most want people to do when they land on your site. Do you want them to give you their email address? Sign up for a free account? Try a demo? Your answer will help you determine what the main focus of your new landing page will be.

? ?Step 3: Create your homepage variant using one of the recommended tools below and track the conversion rate for this version of your homepage vs. your original. Based on the results, decide which version to keep going forward.


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