
增長黑客Tip11 : 精益圖形設計

? ? ?這些天,你不需要為了去和一些大公司競爭而聘請一整個營銷或設計團隊,事實上,我們建議你盡你最大的努力讓你的啟動階段盡可能的精益化。這就是說,如果你決定采取我們的建議,并推遲雇用別人來幫助你設計臨時的項目以促進你的業務增長,你將不得不嚴格要求自己。為您的社交媒體帳戶創建品牌一致的圖形是一個你不能忽視的設計項目。幸運的是,有很多的工具可以使它成為可能,甚至很容易地創建出專業級別的品牌圖形,來幫助您建立信任,和連接更多的企業前景。

? ? ?舉例說明(Example of Use):

? ? ?下面是一些精益圖形設計推出的例子(Here are a few real-world examples of Social Branding Designs):

? ? ? 如何實現這個新的方法(How to Implement This Tip):

? ? ? 步驟1:決定你想通過你的社交媒體設計描繪什么類型的信息。在你的Facebook網頁,Twitter公司簡介,LinkedIn公司網頁,以及你已經有了賬號的其他網頁上面都要出現這些圖形。你的設計應該包括你的標志和任何其他的形象,要與你已經創建的任何其他營銷圖形相一致。

? ? ? 步驟2:通過使用以下推薦的工具創建你的第一輪圖形。我們建議你用Canva試一下。如果需要的話,你可以在推薦閱讀部分找到合適尺寸和最佳實踐。

? ? ? 步驟3:一旦你的圖形是正確的大小,同一時間將他們全部上傳到你的所有社交媒體賬戶。

? ? ?


? ? ?原文引用:

? ?These days, you don’t need to hire an entire marketing or design team in order to compete with the big guys—in fact, we recommend that you try your hardest to keep things at your startup as lean as possible for as long as possible. That being said, if you do decide to take our advice and hold off on hiring someone to help you with the occasional design projects that pop up from time to time as you grow your business, you’re going to have to pick up the slack yourself. Creating brand-consistent graphics for your social media accounts is one design project that you can’t afford to neglect. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools out there that make it possible—and even easy—to create professional-grade branding graphics that will help you build trust and connect with more prospects.

? ?How To Implement This Tip:

? ?Step 1: Decide what type of message you want to portray through your social media designs. These are the graphics that appear on your Facebook page, Twitter profile, LinkedIn company page, and any other sites you’ve decided to create a presence on. Your designs should incorporate your logo and any other imagery that is consistent with any other marketing material you’ve already created.

? ?Step 2: Create your first round of graphics using one of the recommended tools below. We recommend giving Canva a try first. If needed you can find size dimensions and best practices in the recommended reading section.

? ?Step 3: Once your graphics are correctly sized, upload them on all of your social media accounts at the same time.


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