
增長黑客Tip13 : 博客文章的重要性

? ? ?經驗之談,你永遠不應該創建一個你不能提升的博客文章(或其他內容)。那是浪費時間。因為這個原因,當涉及到你的下一篇文章想法的時候,它可以是有幫助的在你工作開始的時候。你需要寫人們實際上想閱讀的博客文章,但你的文章也要足夠的好去促使人們想與他人分享。作為一個博客的讀者之前你可能會看到這些類型的文章,它們是你遇到的奇怪的文章,但你又會情不自禁的對自己說:“哇,這是驚人的東西!”它們通常有2000個字或者更多,它們充滿了技巧,資源和其它有用的信息。是時候是你寫一篇文章了。

? ? ?舉例說明(Example of Use):

? ? ?下面是一些博客文章的重要性推出的例子(Here are a few real-world examples of the Godzilla Blog Post):

  • The Email Marketing Post From VERO
  • The Google’s 200 Ranking Factors Post From Brian Dean
  • The Free Image Sources Post From Buffer
  • Simple and free email tracking for Gmail
  • 46 Best stock photography websites

? ? ? 如何實現這個新的方法(How to Implement This Tip):

? ? ? 步驟1:在一個你想寫的主題上找到一個已經存在并已經鏈接到和分享數百或數千次的優秀的博客文章。你可以使用一個像Buzzsumo這樣的工具。

? ? ? 步驟2:閱讀這篇文章并且問自己:你能通過增加它的的深度使它更好嗎?或者通過更新新的信息?如果你認為你可以,那就開始寫你自己的文章。警告:一定不要抄襲別人的作品。你的目標是提供一個比原來更好的東西。沒有人喜歡一個抄襲者。

? ? ? 步驟3:編輯一個有關網站,博客的列表。然后發布你的文章,并發送電子郵件給每個人要求他們分享鏈接,并幫助你提高你的閱讀量。

? ? ?


? ? ?原文引用:

? ?As a rule of thumb, you should never create a blog post (or any piece of content) that you can’t promote. It’s a waste of time. For that reason, when it comes time to think of your next blog post idea, it’s can be helpful to start at the end and work your way back. You need to write blog posts that people actually want to read, but your posts also have to be good enough to make people want to share them with others too. Enter the Promotion-Driven Godzilla Blog Post. You’ve likely seen these types of posts before as a reader of blogs—these are the monster posts that you come across and can’t help but think to yourself: “wow this is amazing stuff! They’re usually 2,000 words or more and they are packed full of tips, resources, and other useful information. It’s time for you to write one.

? ?How To Implement This Tip:

? ?Step 1: Find a great blog post on a topic you’d like to write about that already exists—one that has been linked to and shared hundreds or thousands of times. You can figure this out using a tool like Buzzsumo.

? ?Step 2: Read through the post and ask yourself: could you make it better by adding more depth to it? Or by updating it with new information? If you think you can, start working on writing your own post. Warning: do not plagiarize someone else’s work. Your goal is to provide something better that is ORIGINAL. No one likes a cheater.

? ?Step 3: Compile a list of websites, blogs, and people you can send your post to once it goes live. Then publish your post, and send emails out to everyone asking them to share the link and help you promote your new post.

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